The Team
Who We Are

Mehmet Can Sucu
Mehmet Can has a degree in Molecular biology and genetics and studying his master's degree in Biotechnology field in Ä°stanbul University. He worked on different algae species and production methods on an industrial scale in Roquette Klötze. In Algdeha, he is responsible for scaling-up the process and modeling it.

Selin Mumcu
Co-Founder / Bioengineer MSc
Selin Mumcu has a bachelor degree in genetics and bioengineering and has a master’s degree in biotechnology, worked in plant biotechnology laboratory as research assistant and studied the expression of industrial enzymes from transgenic microorganisms for 4 years. In Algdeha, she is responsible for microorganism cultivation and the optimization of the fermentation process.

Mert Özkumit
Co-Founder / Food Engineer
Mert Özkumit has a degree in Food engineering, worked on bioplastic production from ground coffee waste and its economical feasibility in bachelor degree, right now focusing on food waste effects on microbial growth in fermentation process. In Algdeha, he is responsible for food waste management in fermentation and economic feasibility.
Hayriye Ocak
Hayriye Ocak has, BSc in finance, worked as the head of the Intrapreneurship Unit and at the same time she focused on carbon mapping, and climate change risk assestment for 5 years. In Algdeha, she is responsible for financial and sustainable management in Algdeha.